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Podcast Production
August 11, 2023

How to make a video podcast: All you need to know

In the ever-evolving world of content creation, video podcasting has emerged as a captivating medium that allows creators to connect with their audience on a whole new level. With its blend of audio and visual elements, video podcasting offers a unique opportunity to engage viewers, share valuable insights, and build a loyal community.

But what does it take to create high-quality video podcasts that truly resonate with your audience? In this article, we will uncover the tips and tricks to help you master the art of video podcasting, from choosing the right equipment to optimizing your visual presentation, captivating your audience, and effectively promoting your content.

Why start a video podcast? 

First, let's talk about the power of visuals when it comes to video podcasting. We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words, and when you bring visuals into your podcasting game, you're taking things to a whole new level. And we're not the only ones saying this. Spotify, the popular music streaming platform, has over 100,000 videos on the platform. That's a massive number, and it just shows how much people enjoy consuming content through both audio and visuals.

But it's not just Spotify. Studies have shown that YouTube is the most preferred platform for listening to podcasts. And why not? YouTube not only allows you to listen to your favorite podcasts, but it also gives you the bonus of watching the hosts in action.

Now, before you dive headfirst into video podcasting, there's something important to consider. Video production requires a lot of work, and you'll need to be comfortable in front of the camera. But if you're up for the challenge, the rewards are worth it. The combination of audio and visuals can create an incredibly engaging and immersive experience for your audience.

So, while video podcasting may not be for everyone, if you can handle the production work and being on camera, it's a BIG win.

How to plan your video podcast

Before you hit that record button, let's talk about the importance of planning your video podcast. Planning is like the secret sauce that sets apart a mediocre podcast from an awesome one. So, grab a coffee, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive in!

Think about your target audience

Who are they and what kind of visuals will resonate with them? Knowing your audience is key to creating content that they'll love. Are they tech-savvy folks who appreciate sleek and modern visuals? Or are they more into a cozy and laid-back vibe? Tailor your visual content accordingly to make a deep connection.

Develop a storyboard or a script for your podcast

This will help you stay on track and ensure that you cover all the points you want to touch on. It's like having a roadmap that guides you through the recording process. Plus, it helps maintain a seamless flow and keeps you organized.

Location, props, and backgrounds

These elements play a crucial role in the overall appeal of your podcast. Choose a location that complements your content and adds value to your message. Maybe a cozy corner with bookshelves for an intellectual discussion or a vibrant outdoor setting for a lively interview. Don't be afraid to get creative with props and backgrounds. They can add that extra oomph to your podcast and make it visually captivating.

How to choose the right video podcast equipment

When it comes to video podcasting, having the right equipment can make a significant difference in the quality of your content. Here are some tips to help you choose the right equipment for your video podcast:


Select a camera that can record high-definition (HD) or even 4K videos. Look for cameras with good low-light performance and image stabilization to ensure your videos are clear and stable.


Invest in a good-quality microphone to ensure clear and professional audio. Consider a USB microphone if you're just starting, as it's easy to set up and provides decent sound quality. We recommend the Audio Technica AT2005 ($79) or the Samson Q2U ($69)


Proper lighting is crucial for creating visually appealing videos. Look for softbox lights or LED panels that provide even and natural-looking lighting. Avoid harsh shadows and make sure your face is well-illuminated.

Tripod or mount

To avoid shaky footage, use a tripod or a stable mounting system for your camera. This will help you maintain a steady frame and enhance the overall quality of your video.


Consider the background of your videos. A clean and uncluttered backdrop can make your videos look more professional. You can use a solid-colored wall, a neatly arranged bookshelf, or even a green screen if you want to add custom backgrounds during editing.

Video editing software

Choose a video editing software that suits your needs and skill level. Some of the factors to consider are ease of use, available features (e.g. video joiner, transcription, and automatic subtitle tools), and compatibility with your computer. Both free and paid options are available, so take your time to decide which one is right for you.


Invest in a good pair of headphones to monitor the audio quality during recording and editing. This will help you catch any background noise or audio issues that may affect the overall quality of your podcast.

How to optimize the visual presentation

Now that you have all the gear sorted out, it's time to focus on how you present your visuals. Here are some tips to help you optimize your visual presentation for your video podcast:

Framing and composition

Experiment with different angles and compositions to find what works best for your podcast. Try framing your shots to include interesting elements and ensure your subject is well-positioned within the frame.

B-roll footage

Include additional footage, known as B-roll, to add depth and engagement to your video podcast. Capture extra shots related to your topic, such as close-ups, location shots, or relevant activities. Use B-roll strategically to illustrate your points and enhance your storytelling.

Graphics and animations

Incorporate graphics and animations to add visual interest and convey information more effectively. Use lower thirds to display names or titles, insert text overlays for key points, or employ animated transitions to make your video more dynamic.


Editing is where the magic happens. Take your time to refine your footage and create a polished video podcast. Enhance your video podcast creation process with an efficient online video editor like Veed or Invideo. Cut out any mistakes or bloopers, rearrange clips for a smoother flow, and trim unnecessary pauses or repetitions. Add music, sound effects, or subtle visual effects to enhance the overall viewing experience.

Consistent visual style

Establish a consistent visual style for your video podcast. Choose a color palette, fonts, and graphics that align with your brand or podcast theme. Consistency in visual elements helps create a cohesive and professional look.

Use transitions

Employ smooth transitions between scenes or shots to create a seamless viewing experience. Fade-ins, fade-outs, crossfades, or creative transitions can make your video podcast visually appealing and engaging.

Balance visual elements

Pay attention to the balance of visual elements within the frame. Avoid cluttered or distracting backgrounds, and ensure your subject remains the focal point. Maintain visual harmony by considering factors such as color, depth, and symmetry.

Experiment and get creative

Don't be afraid to experiment with different editing techniques and visual effects. Explore different styles, try out new ideas, and let your creativity run wild. It's through experimentation that you'll find unique and captivating ways to present your content.

Remember, while optimizing your visual presentation is important, it should always serve the purpose of enhancing your storytelling and engaging your audience. Find the right balance between visual appeal and meaningful content to create high-quality video podcasts.

How to make videos that captivate your audience

The key to a successful video podcast is to captivate your audience from start to finish. Here are some tips to help you engage and captivate your viewers:

Engaging storytelling

Use storytelling techniques to make your podcast more compelling. Weave narratives that resonate with your audience and draw them into your content. Incorporate personal anecdotes, real-life examples, or relatable stories to create a connection with your viewers.

Visual enhancements

Utilize visuals to strengthen your narrative and evoke emotions. Show, rather than just tell, by using relevant images, videos, or illustrations that enhance your storytelling. Visual elements can help engage your audience and make your podcast more memorable.

Guest interviews

Incorporate guest interviews to maintain viewer interest. Guests bring fresh perspectives, expertise, and variety to your podcast. They can provide valuable insights and different viewpoints, keeping your audience engaged and intrigued. Choose guests who align with your podcast's theme and can offer unique value to your viewers.

Variety and dynamics

Keep your video podcast dynamic and engaging by introducing variety. Mix up your content by including different segments, formats, or styles. Add transitions, music, or sound effects to enhance the pacing and create an immersive experience for your audience.

Interactive elements

Consider incorporating interactive elements to actively involve your viewers. Encourage them to participate through polls, Q&A sessions, or live chat interactions. This helps create a sense of community and keeps your audience invested in your podcast.

Engage with comments and feedback

Foster engagement by responding to comments and feedback from your viewers. Encourage them to share their thoughts, questions, or suggestions. Show genuine interest in their input and make them feel heard, building a stronger connection with your audience.

Consistent release schedule

Establish a consistent release schedule for your video podcast. Regularly delivering new episodes helps build anticipation and keeps your audience coming back for more. Whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, stick to a schedule that works for you and your audience.

The ultimate goal is to provide valuable and engaging content that resonates with your audience. By incorporating these tips and techniques, you can captivate your viewers and create a video podcast that keeps them coming back for more.

How to distribute and promote your videos 

You've put in all the hard work to create an amazing video podcast, so now it's time to share it with the world. Here are some tips for distributing and promoting your video podcast:

Choose a hosting platform

When it comes to distributing your video podcast we recommend doing two major things. First, you should upload your video podcast to YouTube to take advantage of that ecosystem. Secondly, you should upload your video (or at least the audio file) to a traditional podcast hosting platform that generates an open RSS feed so that your show appears in all the players like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and more. You can also directly upload your podcast video to Spotify through Spotify for Podcasters, even if you use a different hosting platform. Ensure your podcast is easily accessible and available on multiple platforms to maximize your potential viewership.

Learn how to pick the best podcast hosting app in this article. 

Post clips on YouTube and YouTube Shorts

Another common trend in podcasting that has been highly effective is taking compelling 5-10 minute clips from your full-length episode and uploading them separately on YouTube. You can do the same thing and chop up 60-second clips to post on YouTube Shorts as well. 

Utilize social media

Leverage the power of social media to promote your video podcast. Create accounts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, and share snippets or teasers of your podcast episodes. If you are cross-posting content, use a video compressor tool for optimizing the videos for efficient upload and playback. It is also important to engage with your followers, respond to comments, and encourage them to share your content with their networks.

Create eye-catching thumbnails

Design eye-catching thumbnails for your podcast episodes. Thumbnails are like mini-posters that represent your videos and attract viewers' attention. Use compelling visuals, bold text, and vibrant colors to make your thumbnails stand out in crowded feeds.

Optimize titles and descriptions

Optimize your video titles and descriptions for search engines. Use relevant keywords that accurately describe your podcast's topic and content. Craft compelling titles that entice viewers to click and engaging descriptions that give a clear overview of what your podcast offers.

Engage with online communities

Join online communities, forums, or groups related to your podcast's niche. Participate in discussions, offer valuable insights, and share your podcast episodes when appropriate. Building relationships within these communities can help expand your reach and attract new viewers.

Collaborate with influencers

Identify influencers or content creators in your podcast's niche and explore opportunities for collaboration. Guest appearances on their channels or cross-promotion can expose your video podcast to their established audience, increasing your visibility and attracting new viewers.

Encourage subscriptions and notifications

Encourage viewers to subscribe to your podcast and enable notifications for new episodes. This way, they'll be alerted whenever you release new content, increasing the chances of consistent viewership.

Utilize various platforms, engage with your audience on social media, and explore creative ways to promote your podcast. With effective distribution and promotion, you can reach more viewers and increase the success of your video podcast.

Examples of the best video podcasts 

On Purpose with Jay Shetty 

Huberman Labs 

Brook and Connor Make a Podcast  

Marketing Against the Grain 

The Ground Up Show by Matt D’Avella 

The Colin and Samir Show 

What’s Good Games 


Video podcasting is all about engaging your audience with captivating visuals, telling compelling stories, and sharing valuable information. With the right equipment, planning, and presentation techniques, you can take your video podcasts to new heights.

So, grab that camera, let your creativity flow, and get ready to create video podcasts that will wow your viewers. It's time to share your message with the world and leave a lasting impression.

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Maria Imelda Alvarez

Maria Imelda Alvarez is an SEO outreach specialist and guest post writer at VEED.IO. With a strong passion for link building and a talent for crafting compelling guest posts, Maria is dedicated to helping businesses boost their online visibility and drive organic traffic.

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